Tuesday, December 24, 2019

William Shakespeares The Taming of the Shrew Essay

William Shakespeares The Taming of the Shrew In the play the taming of the shrew I will be discussing about Katherine Petruchio’s behaviour towards each other through words, body language and stage craft. In the Elizabethan times men kept women as possession the women had many hard times coping without freedom limited to what they could do out side also women were accompanied by men at all times because they were thought as being vulnerable. 1ST meeting: When Petruchio and Katherina first meeting, he winds her up by using the opposite ironic language for example â€Å"the prettiest Kate in Christendom† Petruchio makes mistakes and calls her â€Å"Kate† instead of Katherina she replies with†¦show more content†¦He says that he is just the right husband for her as well telling Katherina that he sees her beauty and she will be tamed. Petruchio is warning Katherina he will be turning her into â€Å"Kate submissive as other household Kate’s†. Wedding: Petruchio and Katherine’s wedding turns out to be a disaster. It is against Katherine’s wishes. We never actually see the wedding take place because Shakespeare wants us to make our own judgement. We hear from Grumio, a rich old man who tells us about how humiliating it was to be attending the wedding, Petruchio arrives really late to church making a mockery of Katherine, he also comes drunk, dressed up as a tramp. â€Å"No shame but mine†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.against my heart†. This language of Katherine shows self pity and disappointment towards her self and this is said before Petruchio enters. The family and guests enter the church they insist he goes of and gets changed but Petruchio insists to get married as he is. Grumio describes the wedding as â€Å"Such a mad marriage never was before† which is very true, Petruchio says â€Å"Gog’s wouns† in the church, what he actually meant was ‘god’s wounds’. This is evidence to show he is drunk. When this is said the priest drops the prayer book with shock he bends down to grab the holy book but Petruchio hits theShow MoreRelated William Shakespeares The Taming of the Shrew845 Words   |  4 PagesWilliam Shakespeares The Taming of the Shrew The Taming of the Shrew could either be seen as offensive or acceptable to women dependant upon the era of which they lived (16th century-the period of Shakespeare, or the 21st century). Act 4 Scene 1 is a main focal point to debate whether the play is seen as offensive to women. In Shakespeares time, women were not treated humanely but more like objects. Men were seen as the superior sex of which had complete control over women and couldRead MoreWilliam Shakespeares Taming of the Shrew William Shakespeare’s romantic comedy, The Taming of1100 Words   |  5 Pages William Shakespeares Taming of the Shrew William Shakespeare’s romantic comedy, The Taming of the Shrew, is an embodiment of the context in which the text was shaped, the Renaissance. The Renaissance period was a time of progression, primarily in the areas of art, science, humanism, religion and self-awareness. The Renaissance focused on taking elements of the past including religion, art and science and adapting them to make them better. Humanists advocated for the freedom of the individualsRead More William Shakespeares The Taming of the Shrew Essay3149 Words   |  13 PagesWilliam Shakespeares The Taming of the Shrew Over the past 400 or so years since Shakespeare wrote _The Taming of the Shrew_, many writers, painters, musicians and directors have adapted and reformed this play of control and subjugation into timeless pieces of art. In _10 Things I Hate About You_ and Kiss Me Kate from two very different times in the twentieth century, and paintings of Katherina and Bianca from the late nineteenth century, the creators of these adaptations have chosen to focusRead More William Shakespeares The Taming of the Shrew Essay1159 Words   |  5 PagesWilliam Shakespeares The Taming of the Shrew In the beginning of â€Å"The Taming of the Shrew†, some say Shakespeare portrays Katherina as a very shrewish figure. Others may argue that she is not shrewish but just a very strong willed person. At the end of the play some people say she is transformed into a very kind and gentle person, while again others will argue that she is not â€Å"tamed† but just putting on an act to â€Å"show up† her younger sister Bianca, whom has always been more beautiful andRead More Manipulation in William Shakespeares The Taming of the Shrew1567 Words   |  7 PagesManipulation in William Shakespeares The Taming of the Shrew In The Taming of the Shrew, the concept of love is a means of emotional manipulation, and manipulation is nothing more than a means of control between men and women. William Shakespeare critiques the patriarchal social structure by ironically employing the manipulative stance Petruchio takes towards winning Katherine as his wife by charming her with words and manipulating her psychologically, and then taming her after their marriageRead MoreEssay on Kate in William Shakespeares The Taming of the Shrew1760 Words   |  8 PagesKate in William Shakespeares The Taming of the Shrew Katharina or Kate, the shrew of William Shakespeares The Taming Of The Shrew is sharp-tongued, quick-tempered, and prone to violence and violent outbursts, especially to anyone who tries to win her love. This is shown from the beginning in Act One with the scene among Hortensio and Gremio and her. When Gremio proclaims her too rough Read MoreMarriage and Relationships in William Shakespeares The Taming of the Shrew2278 Words   |  10 PagesMarriage and Relationships in William Shakespeares The Taming of the Shrew Getting married in modern times is not something which is viewed as necessary. There are many couples that are together, but do not want to marry, because they do not feel they have to. Couples that do, can have a marriage almost anywhere they choose. Couples can marry in houses, shopping centres and even petrol stations. Anywhere you can get a marriage licence and a vicar, is seen as a place fitRead MoreWilliam Shakespeares The Taming of the Shrew as a Comedy Essay2463 Words   |  10 PagesWilliam Shakespeares The Taming of the Shrew as a Comedy The Taming of the Shrew, written by William Shakespeare between 1589 and 1594, is a romantic comedy set in the Italian city of Padua. Since the play was written, the audiences idea of comedy has changed quite dramatically. In the fifteen hundreds, an audience would have enjoyed obvious, visual aspects of comedy such as we would see in a modern-day pantomime, whereas an audience watching the play today would also Read MoreKatherine and Bianca in William Shakespeares The Taming of the Shrew1844 Words   |  8 PagesKatherine and Bianca in William Shakespeares The Taming of the Shrew Shakespeares Taming of the Shrew shows two sisters: Katherina and Bianca, as two complete contrasts to each other. He used various techniques to achieve these effects. The same techniques are used for both sisters to show comparisons between their characters. Shakespeare created two different characters by making the outcome of the techniques very different from each other. Shakespeare has used the Read MoreRelationship of Petruchio and Katherina in William Shakespeares The Taming of the Shrew1323 Words   |  6 PagesRelationship of Petruchio and Katherina in William Shakespeares The Taming of the Shrew The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare is a humorous play which focuses on Petruchio and Katherinas relationship. It explores ideas of marriage including the impact of money in surrounding characters lives. This creates ideal opportunities for dramatic impact, which will vary in effect on the Elizabethan, and modern day audiences especially when various dilemmas are presented

Monday, December 16, 2019

Write About a Member of Your Family That You Feel Free Essays

I have one member in my family that truly consider â€Å"special†. This person is my youngest son, Adrian. Let me tell you a few things why I think that he is a special person. We will write a custom essay sample on Write About a Member of Your Family That You Feel or any similar topic only for you Order Now Adrian was diagnosed with Autism when he was about 2 1/2 years old. He is anti-social and non-verbal. Anti-social means that he doesn’t interact with others that are around him. For example, Adrian likes to play by himself. The non-verbal means that he has no ommunication through speech. Even though h is lacking speech, he can communicate his needs in his very own way. For instance, when Adrian wants something to eat, he would come to me, grab my hand and pulls me to the refrigerator. On the other hand, it can get frustrating for him because I am the only person that can understand his body language cues. In addition to his anti-social and non- verbal communication, I have to mention that Adrian s the most loving child I have seen. The reason being is usually children with Autism do not like to be hugged or cuddled. Adrian loves to give hug and cuddle with me as well as he does with others. Finally, I understand that my son is anti-social and non-verbal. At the same time, he has the ability to be social and communicate with me. He does it in a way no other person would it. As a result of this, I feel that this makes my son a â€Å"special† person. How to cite Write About a Member of Your Family That You Feel, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Understanding the roles of key stakeholders - Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss about theUnderstanding the roles of key stakeholders. Answer: Introduction Project management is considered one of the most important management techniques due to its importance and advantages to a business organization. Every organization is dependent on its various resources for its operation like human resources, financial resources etc. These resources are available to an organization in limited amount and number. Starting a new project requires a lot of such resources and project management helps in the management of these resources while implementation of the new project. Project management also helps in timely completion of given task within given financial and human resources (Kerzner, 2013). This project is prepared to use project management technique to effectively and efficiently complete the task given to Max Lionel Reality. Currently, Max Lionel reality (MLR) is evaluating its relationship with its customers. For the development of a better relationship with the customers, MLR is preparing a program to inform the agents of the company in relati on to legal and ethical obligation and standard of coded followed by the organization. Being the representative of the company, agents should follow these policies of the company to give better customer services to its customers. These MLRs policies will be developed in form of documentation and make available to clients, agents and potential tenants of the company. In this project management process, human resource department of the company will play a very essential and significant role. Project objective The objective of this project is to enable clients, customers, and agents about the ethical standards, legal standards, and code of conduct of the company. This will help to maintain a better relationship with the customers as agents of the company will be required to follow these standards. With the help of following these standards, the agents will be able to provide better services to the company which will increase the degree of customer loyalty toward the company. The main standards include work health and Safety and anti-discrimination legislation applicable to the company. Following these standards are essential as a violation of these standards can result in reputational as well as a financial loss for the company in form of a lawsuit (Burke, 2013). Background of the company Max Lionel realty is a real estate company providing services of construction and housing to its customers. The company has been in this for a long period of time and has gained a brand name in the market. Hence it is important to the company to maintain this reputation and it is trying to do so with this project. Project Scope The guidelines and procedures of the company will be applicable to the construction projects are undertaken by the company. These guidelines are developed and informed to the agents of the company to increase the quality of services provided by them to customers on behalf of the company. A project team will be decided which will help in developing the program and implement this program on agents of the company. This team will also be responsible for informing clients, agent and prospective tenants about these standard guidelines. The project undertaken by the company expects construction projects are not within the scope of the project. The budgets and time allotted to this project are limited. The resources available to this project are also predefined (Larson and Gray, 2013). These resources, time limit and budget of the project can be extended with the prior approval of the CEO of the company. This extension will be available if the CEO and top management of the company things tha t such extension is essential and has occurred due to extreme circumstances. Stakeholder analysis Stakeholders of a project are the people who have direct or indirect interest in the project under development. Involvement of these stakeholders is very important for successful completion of the project as they will be the users of the project. The developed program will be of no use if such project is not developed as per the needs and requirements these stakeholders. Needs and requirements of each and every of such stakeholder are different and the project team is responsible to take care of these requirements. Here are some of the stakeholders with their requirement and manner in which project team can satisfy their needs. Management Management of the company has a direct interest in the project under development as it is the responsibility of management for completing this project within given time and budget. Management of the company is responsible for conducting all the activities involved in this process. The whole management of the company is not required to participate in this process as it will result in a delay of the project and inefficient use of manpower (Doloi, 2012). Therefore this responsibility of project management is assigned to a particular team. Employees The actual implementation of project and fieldwork will be conducted by the employees who are part of the project management team. Employees will have a direct interest in this project as their bonus and performance-based incentives will be based on their performance. Employees of the company will be kept in the project management procedures by conducting regular meetings with other employees of the project management team. Customers It is very important to keep the point of view of customers in project management process as the main objective of this project is to develop an interactive and better relationship with the customers. The customers can be involved in the project management process by conducting an online survey in relation to customer complaints and feedbacks regarding services provided by the company (Ackermann and Eden, 2011). Agents Agents of the company are also important stakeholders as these programs are being developed for these agents. These agents are the people who are representing the company and they are interacting with the customers. In simple words, it can be said that these agents are the face of the company. These agents can be involved in the project management process by making a regular appointment with these agents during project development process. Government The laws in relation to work health and Safety and anti-discrimination are prepared by the government. These laws will form the base for a program developed by us. Hence project management team should conduct the literature and reports published by the government in relation to these laws and regulations (Meredith and Mantel, 2011). Communication plan Creating an effective and efficient plan for communication in a project management is very important for the success of project management plan. The only identification of stakeholders is not enough as it is of no use if they are provided with timely and relevant information. The main objective of communication plan in project management process is to provide relevant information for each and every stakeholder so that activities of project development can be conducted smoothly and efficiently (DiSanza and Legge, 2016). Communication methodologies Kick-off meeting Before starting any project management activity, management of the company should conduct a kick-off meeting. This meeting will help to assign roles and give direction to each member of the team. This meeting will involve various audiences such as project sponsor, project management team and members of top management of the company. This meeting will be conducted face to face and deliverable of this project would be agenda of project and minutes of the meeting. The project will be introduced in this meeting with its objective, scope, review process and other items raised during the meeting. Distribution of project kick-off report The tasks and decisions taken in the kick-off meeting will be properly documented in a formal format. This report will be distributed to each member of the project management and each member of the company will be required to follow this report. Any deviation from the activities and decision mentioned in this project can lead to off tracking of the project under development. Project team meeting Unlike kick-off meeting project team meetings will be conducted at regular intervals. In the case of Max Lionel realty, project team meetings will be conducted on weekly basis. The frequency of the meetings might change as per the status of the project changes. These meetings will also be conducted face to face but in case of emergencies, it can be conducted on a conference call. The main objective of these meetings would be to review the status of the project on regular basis (Adler et.al, 2012). Status report These are the form of communication to facilitate communication between project management team and other stakeholders of the company. This status report will be prepared at regular intervals and distributed to the interested stakeholders. The contents of the status report will be first discussed in the project team meeting and before distribution, this report will require the approval of team leader and one of the members of top management of the company. Roles and responsibility Assigning roles and responsibility to each member of the team is essential for smooth operation of activities of the project management plan. This helps in avoiding any conflict and confusion in the management process and also helps in assigning accountability in case of failure of any activity (Belbin, 2012). The project team of Max Lionel Realty consist of 6 members and their roles and responsibility is as follows- David Miller Role- Team leader Responsibility It is the primary responsibility of team leader to direct all team members toward project goal and objective. And to ensure that project is completed within given time and budget. Sam Lee Role- Resource manager Responsibility- Resource manager is required to ensure that there is the optimum and efficient use of resources and there is no wastage of resources. Pat Sweeney Role- Quality assurance Responsibility- It is the responsibility of a quality assurance manager to ensure that all the process and standards developed in the project management process are in accordance with rules and regulations implemented by the government. Peter Smith Role- External manager (From Ace consultants) Responsibility- It is his responsibility to oversee that project management is being conducted with efficiency from an external point of view Kim Gould Role- Project team member Responsibility- It is the responsibility of project team members to guide the project under development to guide project toward right path and complete it in given time and budget. David Malone Role- Project team member Responsibility- It is the responsibility of project team members to guide the project under development to guide project toward right path and complete it in given time and budget. Project snapshot Project snapshot can be defined as a summarised version of project plan describing its objective, scope, risks, stakeholders, team and other relevant factors. Timeframe The program under development should be delivered by project management team within 3 months of its initiation. Budget $15000 Resources required Room, 3 computers, project planning software, office supplies and other basic needs like electricity connection and water supply. Project team members David Miller Sam Lee Pat Sweeney Peter Smith Kim Gould David Malone Project risks 1. Limited budget 2. Limited time allotted to complete project 3. Technological changes can affect the development of the project. 4. Limited time and budget can affect the quality of the programme under development. Criteria for success The project will be evaluated after six months of its completion. A personal survey will be conducted by the clients who have received services after completion of the project. Success and failure of the project will be decided on the basis of ratings and feedback given by these clients. (Wysocki, 2011) Risk assessment plan Risk Description Level Strategy Strategic risk Risk of selecting the wrong strategy for project management Low The strategy should be reviewed at regular interval of time. Cost risk Risk of escalation of project cost due to increase is the cost of resources required. Medium Contract with the suppliers and vendors should be agreed at a fixed price. Performance risk Risk of project results not being similar to the target results. High Project team members should be kept motivated by the team leader to direct them in the right direction. Schedule risk Risk of project exceeding the predetermined time allocated to it. Medium Management techniques such as planning, scheduling and work breakdown structure should be used. (Pinto et.al, 2011) Budget The resource required to complete this budget is already been decided in the project snapshot. The allocated budget for these resources is $ 15000. The cost budget for the proposed project is as follows- Particular Cost ($) 3 computers 7900 Project planning software 3000 Office supplies 1000 Miscellaneous 500 Total cost 12400 Given budget is $15000. At the end of the project development process, we will conduct a cost budget variance analysis (Lock, 2017). Record of agreement with roles and responsibility Record of the agreement is a statement on which signature of the team members is required to be obtained. By signing this document a team member is acknowledging his or her roles and responsibilities. Name Role Responsibility Signature David Miller Team leader To guide the entire team members toward project goal and objective. And to ensure that project is completed within given time and budget. Sam Lee Resource manager The resource manager is required to ensure that there is the optimum and efficient use of resources and there is no wastage of resources. Pat Sweeney Quality assurance It is the responsibility of a quality assurance manager to ensure that all the process and standards developed in the project management process are in accordance with rules and regulations implemented by the government. Peter Smith External manager (From Ace consultants) It is his responsibility to oversee that project management is being conducted with efficiency from an external point of view Kim Gould Project team member It is the responsibility of project team members to guide the project under development to guide project toward right path and complete it in given time and budget. David Malone Project team member Status report Project status report 1- Department Project development department Name of project Customer relationship development Percentage of completion 25% Time taken 20 days Within time limit Yes Cost incurred $13000 Remarks The cost of the project has exceeded the expected cost but still, it is within the budget allocated to the project. Project status report Department Project development department Name of project Customer relationship development Percentage of completion 50% Time taken 40 days Within time limit Yes Cost incurred $13500 Remarks Extra $500 has been incurred on miscellaneous expenditure but the overall budget is still under control. Project status report Department Project development department Name of project Customer relationship development Percentage of completion 75% Time taken 67 days Within time limit Yes Cost incurred $15200 Remarks There was a requirement for an additional laptop which is purchased at cost of $1700. This will be used in normal business once the project is completed. Risk management report Change request Department Project management department Name of project Customer relationship development Change request number 1 Change description Extension of the allocated budget of the project under development. Change reason There is a requirement of an additional laptop to complete the project within an allocated period of 90 days. Impact of change The total budget will increase by $ 200 but this laptop can be used in normal business after completion of the project. Change request status Under review/ Approved/ Rejected (Verzuh, 2015) Final Project deliverable Activity Responsibility Start date End date Duration Estimation of requirement of programme Team leader 15-01-2018 22-01-2018 8 Understanding the laws in relation to health, safety, and discrimination Quality assurance 23-01-2018 03-02-2018 12 Comparison of these regulation with policies of companies External consultant 04-02-2018 18-02-2018 15 Making relevant changes in policies of companies Team members 19-02-2018 16-03-2018 26 Preparation and finalisation of policy document Team members 17-03-2018 01-04-2018 16 Conducting a meeting to convey these policies to agents of the company Team leader 02-04-2018 14-04-2018 13 Total time required 90 (Maylor et.al, 2008) Budget variance report Particular Expected Cost ($) Actual cost ($) Variance ($) Remarks 3 computers 7900 9600 1700 Additional cost of one laptop costing $1700. Project planning software 3000 3000 0 Office supplies 1000 1600 600 Miscellaneous 500 1000 500 Total cost 12400 15200 2800 Signature (CEO) Signature (Project Management Team Leader) (Lanen, 2016) New role description signoff Name Responsibility Signature David Miller To prepare a post-implementation review report to explain the overall performance of the project and recommending in relation to improvements in future projects. Sam Lee To evaluate the total resource consumption in the process of project development. Giving the recommendation to project team as per their performance. Pat Sweeney Analysing performance of individual project members and overall performance of project from a third-party perspective. Peter Smith Evaluating the quality of the developed programme for agents of Max Lionel Realty. Kim Gould Writing down the cost incurred during the whole project management process and comparing this cost to the budgeted cost prepared at the initiation of the project. David Malone Post-project project review report To The management Max Lionel realty Australia Subject: post-implementation review report The main objective of the programme developed under the project development process was to make agents of the company aware of the policies adopted by the company in relation to discrimination, health, and safety. The process of project development was effectively and efficiently managed by the project development team. The project was developed within the allotted time period but the budget of the project exceeded by $200. This amount was used to purchase an additional laptop which is now used in normal business processes. The overall impact of the performance of the program is being evaluated with the help of online and personal interviews. These interviews are conducted from the clients who have taken services from clients of the company after training of developed program was given to them. 85% of the clients are happy with the services provided by the agents. This is a significant improvement as compared to the pre-implementation phase where only 55% of the clients were satisfie d with the services provided by the agents. These interviews will be conducted on regular basis from the clients for the purpose of performance analysis. Conclusion Project management process is very important to effective implementation and successfully completes the project under consideration. In the given project of Max Lionel Realty, various project management techniques were used for efficient working. Due to adopting the concept of project management, we were able to complete the given project within given time period and with negligible variation in the overall budget of the project. In future also Max Lionel Realty should adopt the principle of project management for project development. References Ackermann, F. and Eden, C., 2011. Strategic management of stakeholders: Theory and practice.Long range planning,44(3), pp.179-196. Adler, R., Elmhorst, J.M. and Lucas, K., 2012.Communicating at work: Principles and practices for business and the professions. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Belbin, R.M., 2012.Team roles at work. Routledge. Burke, R., 2013. Project management: planning and control techniques.New Jersey, USA. DiSanza, J.R. and Legge, N.J., 2016.Business and professional communication: Plans, processes, and performance. Pearson. Doloi, H., 2012. Cost overruns and failure in project management: Understanding the roles of key stakeholders in construction projects.Journal of construction engineering and management,139(3), pp.267-279. Kerzner, H., 2013.Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley Sons. Lanen, W., 2016.Fundamentals of cost accounting. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Larson, E.W. and Gray, C., 2013.Project Management: The Managerial Process with MS Project. McGraw-Hill. Lock, D., 2017.Project management. Routledge. Maylor, H., Vidgen, R. and Carver, S., 2008. Managerial complexity in project?based operations: A grounded model and its implications for practice.Project Management Journal,39(S1). Meredith, J.R. and Mantel Jr, S.J., 2011.Project management: a managerial approach. John Wiley Sons. Pinto, A., Nunes, I.L. and Ribeiro, R.A., 2011. Occupational risk assessment in construction industryOverview and reflection.Safety science,49(5), pp.616-624. Verzuh, E., 2015.The fast forward MBA in project management. John Wiley Sons. Wysocki, R.K., 2011.Effective project management: traditional, agile, extreme. John Wiley Sons.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Parasagittal Meningioma Essay Example

Parasagittal Meningioma Paper Nursing Management 1 PARASAGITTAL MENINGIOMA Nursing management of a patient with Parasagittal Meningioma Nursing Management 2 Nursing management of patient with PARASAGITTAL MENINGIOMA P. A a 41 years old male was brought to the hospital due to the chief complaint of headache and dizziness. During the interview, the patient stated that 2 days prior to admission, he was having a severe headache associated with blurring of vision and dizziness. He took paracetamol which provided temporary relief without any consultation done. He was prompted to seek medical attention on March 23, 2011 due to persistent headache. He underwent MRI scan and revealed that the left part of his brain have a tumor that can lead him to be diagnosed with other signs and symptoms of having a Parasagittal Meningioma. According to Dienpenbrock (2004), Meningiomas are slow-growing and most often occur in middle aged adults. The standard treatment is surgery with the complete removal or partial dissection. Nursing management should focus on the treatment and preventing the effect of increased intracranial pressure or ICP by closed monitoring vital signs, and motor functions should also be checked because specific motor deficits may occur depending on the tumor’s location. Pathophysiology Parasagittal meningiomas form near the falx, a groove that runs along the brain fromfront to back, according to medical experts at the Brigham and Womens Hospital. Meningiomas may occur intracranially or within the spinal canal. They are thought to arise from arachnoidal cap cells, which reside in the arachnoid layer covering the surface of the brain. Meningiomas commonly are found at the surface of the brain, either over the convexity or at the skull base. In rare cases, meningiomas occur in an intraventricular or intraosseous location. The problem of classifying meningioma is that arachnoidal cells may express both mesenchymal and epithelial characteristics. Other mesodermal structures also may give rise to similar tumors (eg, hemangiopericytomas or sarcomas). The classification of all of these tumors together is controversial. Nursing Management 3 The current trend is to separate unequivocal meningiomas from other less well-defined neoplasms. Undoubtedly, advances in molecular biology will allow scientists to determine the exact genomic aberration responsible for each specific neoplasm. We will write a custom essay sample on Parasagittal Meningioma specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Parasagittal Meningioma specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Parasagittal Meningioma specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Parasagittal meningioma causes symptoms like: Headache that is due to the increase the normal pressure levels within the brain. The severity of headache pain can range from mild to severe and can localize within any region of the head. Leg weakness can also occur. Typically, a meningioma that forms on the left side of the falx causes right leg weakness, while a meningioma that forms on the right side of the falx causes left leg weakness, explain medical experts with the Merck Manual. In certain cases, sensations of weakness can affect both legs and can experience difficulty standing or walking normally. Vision Problems is also present because of increased pressure within the brain it can affect the optic or eye nerve. If the optic nerve is damaged or pinched, he or she can develop vision problems as a symptom of this condition, report health experts with the Mayfield Clinic. Affected people can experience blurred or cloudy vision, which may contribute to headache symptoms or sensations of dizziness. Cognitive dysfunction or Personality Changes may affect people as stated by professionals with the Brain Science Foundation. A person who is normally quiet or reserved can suddenly become talkative and outgoing. Alternatively, social people may appear abruptly withdrawn or depressed. Some of these are signs and symptoms manifested by P. A. that can lead him to be diagnosed to have Parasagittal meningioma. Nursing Management 4 History P. A. , a 41 years old male was complaining of headache and some episodes of dizziness. He was admitted and diagnosed to have Parasagital Meningioma. According to him, it was his third time to be hospitalized. He stated that he had no previous illness, surgeries and medication therapy. The patient does not have any history of any diseases such as hypertension, diabetes ellitus, heart disease and lung disease. He is having an allergy with fish and doesn’t have any allergies to drugs. He’s avoiding to eat pork because of his religion Islam. Nursing Physical Assessment P. A is conscious alert and coherent. The patient vital signs were as follows: body temperature 37. 5 degree Celsius, pulse rate 81bpm, blood pressure 120/70 mmHg, respiratory rate 17cp m. The client voice was soft and talks pretty slow. He appeared to be disabled. We asked the client about his feelings. He was quite emotional about his situation. He is having headache and also stated the he was experiencing pain at the level of 8. This was related from the surgery he had which can also cause him increase intracranial pressure. The patient had a visible curve on his left parietal head. And that was from the recent surgery he had. The patient is unable to move his right arm, probably due to the left affected part of the brain that would cause few or complex disability on his right hemisphere. The patient’s lower extremities particularly his legs are quite skinny and very weak. He was unable to walk and currently using a wheelchair and assistance from his siblings. He had some wound marks and also has several gunshot marks on his upper and lower right leg. He appeared to have some weakness. The patient did not have any intravenous line, and he is currently wearing eyeglasses due to his vision problems which were caused by his brain condition. He said that the pain was sustained for several days. Nursing Management 5 Related Treatments According to Mayfield clinic a parasagittal meningioma can increase the normal pressure levels within the brain. This pressure elevation can cause headache symptoms in people with this condition. Encourage the patient to verbalize his feelings. Monitoring of patient’s pain is very important together with adequate bed rest and proper drug compliance to relieve headache, drugs: (Celecoxib) TID. Another thing is that, a meningioma that forms on the left side of the falx causes right leg weakness, while a meningioma that forms on the right side of the falx causes left leg weakness, explain medical experts with the Merck Manual. For this reason safety is the priority for the patient, proper assistance, range of motion exercise, physical therapy, adequate nutrition and drug compliance, Rest between activities provides time for energy conservation and recovery. If the optic nerve is damaged or pinched, people with a parasagittal meningioma can develop vision problems as a symptom of this condition, report health experts with the Mayfield Clinic. For this reason, wearing eyeglasses will help to improve the patient’s visual problems related to his condition. Parasagittal meningiomas that develop near the front portion of the falx can lead to significant brain dysfunction in affected people, warn medical professionals with the Brain Science Foundation. People with this condition can experience unusual memory loss or can have difficulty with logical decision-making, drugs: (Nurocer. , Adjunct in the treatment of myoclonus of cortical origin; dementia ; other disorders/states w/c include alcoholism, vertigo, cerebrovascular accidents, behavioral disorders. Depakote, valproates 5-15 mg/kg/day), for this situation understanding the patient’s situation with proper drug compliance to treat these symptoms, and a nurse-patient relationship is also an important independent therapeutic approach for this. Must prioritized safety and closely monitoring the patient symptoms is a must to ensure that the patient is responding well to the treatments. Nursing Management 6 Nursing Care Plan Based on what Hickey (2003) have said, one of the complication that may be prevented is headache. So P. A’s nursing diagnosis is chronic pain related to brain trauma as evidenced by verbal reports, guarding behaviour and limited range of motion. Some of the assessment that suggests that the patient was having chronic pain was disorientation, increasing irritability and facial grimacing when palpitated. His vital signs were as follows: body temperature 37. 5 degree Celsius, pulse rate 81bpm, blood pressure 120/70 mmHg, respiratory rate. The goal is to relieve the pain from pain scale of 8 to 3 and to decrease the facial grimacing. The nursing interventions for P. A’s nursing diagnosis were as follows: First is to establish rapport to gain the patient’s trust. Next is to perform comprehensive assessment of pain (location, duration, onset, intensity). These assess the pain felt by the patient. Next is to assess vital signs, noting high blood pressure, rapid heartbeat and increase in body temperature. Physical signs and complaints associated with chronic pain should also be noted. Administer medications as ordered by the physician. Provide patient with health teaching such as: having a bed rest and encouraged to stay on non-stimulating environment to reduce or lessen the pain that triggers him. During the nursing interventions the patient is responsive and tried his very best to help him feel more comfortable. Nursing Management 7 Recommendations In order for P. A to continue his recovery and improve his state of well being, he must adhere to all the orders made by his physician. He must also learn how to provide opportunity to re-energize and refocus on tasks at hand because he was expected to have easy fatigability. Encourage the patient to ask questions regarding his concerns regarding his health to his care providers. References * Smeltzer, Bare, Hinkle, Cheever (2008). Medical Surgical. Brunner and Suddarth’s (Eleventh Edition). Pages 2302-2306. * Mayfield Clinic: Meningiomas * Brigham and Womens Hospital: Meningioma * Brain Science Foundation: Meningiomas * Merck Manual: Meningiomas * Meningiomas. org: Parasagittal Meningiomas